Increasing B2B client retention with byte-sized reporting

The problem
Fermat, a distributed commerce startup, was having difficulty staying on top of its customer retention as it pivoted toward a B2B strategy. The metrics clearly showed that the product was contributing to increased return on ad spend, but customers had difficulty understanding the positive impact of the product due to disparate data sources and manual performance tracking. Weekly meetings providing customer-specific insights had proven to bolster retention for customers with allocated bandwidth, however, this was not a sustainable strategy for Fermat or its customers long-term.

DESIGN CHALLENGE How can we increase customer retention for B2B clients?

PROJECT DURATION January 2023-February 2023

UX Research, product designer

  • Research existing B2B landscape for data sharing and communication
  • Evaluate internal performance insights meetings to identify best practices for the product
  • Design a client-focused reporting format that can be generated and shared on a weekly basis to increase customer success

    The solution
    The primary stakeholders were typically marketing managers. User interviews with client stakeholders revealed that increasing communication efficiency would facilitate a smoother client relationship.

    Top Stakeholder Frustrations
    • High effort is required to analyze and understand the performance benefits of the product
    • Too many touchpoints 
    • Added effort required to include performance data in existing performance decks and reporting systems

    • Summarizing key outcomes and opportunities in an easily digestible, on-the-go format, such as social media stories
    • Providing downloadable content so that insights from data stories can be used easily for existing client reporting responsibilities

    On-the-go access to reporting

    Familiar and easily digestible performance recaps
    Downloadable insights in common formats

    Fermat shops had an offering of features that were optimal to use depending on the product category, price point, and content format of each client,  however, many clients didn’t receive customized guidance until after they were underperforming and at risk of attrition.

    I conducted a workshop with the business development team and joined client onboarding meetings in order to identify the primary drivers of client success.

    Primary Drivers of Client Success
    • Providing value early in the sales cycle
    • Training on optimal product features and client use cases
    • Consistent, customized, and actionable insights and recommendations to optimize shop conversion

    • Present industry benchmark scores to provide immediate value to clients during onboarding
    • Summarize client successes to showcase ROI and reinforce best practices for Fermat shops
    • Provide qualitative shop analysis and strategic recommendations to rapidly resolve conversion performance issues

    Industry benchmarking scores
    Highlighting client success and best practices
    Customized guidance to rapidly triage poor performance

    design & strategy